Have any of you seen the quote that has been making its way around social media that says something like this:
“God has taken away everything we worship. You want to worship athletes, I will shut down arenas and stadiums. You want to worship actors, I will shut down theaters. You want to worship money, I will shut down the economy. You want to worship your own bodies, I will shut down gyms. You don’t want to seek and worship Me, I will make it where you can’t go to church.”
This is not the whole quote, but you get the idea. While none of us could ever understand the mind of our God and why things are happening the way they are, this is a thought provoking and convicting quote. I have to say that I have placed things above God and my relationship with Him more than I ever should have.
While I don’t believe I place a higher value on athleticism or being famous, there have been times when I have sought monetary gain without trusting in God to provide. Even though I make it a priority to attend church to worship, I have put other things in my daily life above seeking Him. In fact, it’s pretty easy for me to tell when things are out of balance.
For instance, there have been times when I thought I don’t have time to open my Bible, yet I somehow had the time to open a social media app. There are times when I can spend hours watching Netflix but did I spend any time at all during the day in conversation with my Lord.
Like with some other pandemics of the past, we may never fully understand this time. I guess it will be a question we can ask God once we meet Him face to face.
For now, I just ask God to forgive me whenever I’ve left Him out of my day. I want to worship only Him in good and bad seasons. I want to remember Him first each day just as He never forgets about me. If you’ve been out of the habit of putting God first, now is certainly an opportunity like never before. Work on establishing a daily relationship with your Savior from this day forward and keep it going!
Dressed in Faith
You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
Deuteronomy 5:7-8
Thanks for the devotional you sent today. I made me stop and just think for while.We all are guilty of leaving God out of our day. I want to remember God in the good and bad times. My prayer is put him first in the morning and put him last thing I think of at the end of my day. God is so Good. We must remember that.
You and your family stay safe and well. Blessings on you all. Brenda
Thank you. We are healthy and safe. You stay safe too!
Awesome! So much to consider. Thank you for your message!
Rachel Stella