I shared a couple of weeks ago about my goal of changing my mindset to be more positive (you can read that post here). Well, it’s only the end of February, and I’m being challenged from all sides to keep my goal!
I’m deeply concerned as you must be about what’s happening in our world. And it seems like with every devastating international event, my thoughts turn to whether our country or world is quickly coming to its demise. My mindset turns again to the negative, and fear sets in about what the future holds.
But then, I remember the truth I read every day in my Bible – I have hope and assurance of an eternal future as a follower of Christ. And I ask myself why should I be fearful of the end? In fact, why am I not looking forward to it or Christ’s return? The end of my life will be a joyous occasion because it’s the beginning of life everlasting with my Savior.
While the Bible is filled with hope and promises of good things to come for all who believe, here are just a few promises and verses I’m reminded of in uncertain times.
We should not be afraid! Nothing will keep us away from God, His love, His care, or His protection. Romans 8:38-39, Ephesians 1:13-14, Revelation 7:3
We already know Christ will be victorious, and we will be victorious through Him. The battle is won before it even begins. 1 Corinthians 15:55-56, Revelation 19: 11-16
Whether we are already gone or here at the very end, we will be with our Lord and Savior. And nothing will keep us away from Him, His love, His care, or His protection. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Romans 8:38-39
Once we accept Christ as our Savior, our home and citizenship are in heaven. This world is a temporary residence, and we don’t belong to it. John 14:1-3, 2 Corinthians 5: 1-5, Philippians 3:20
We will have glorious new bodies and suffer no more. 1 Corinthians 15:42-44, Philippians 3:21, Revelation 21:4
God has created a beautiful home for us like none we’ve ever seen. Revelation 21:10=21
All I know is changing my attitude should not only focus on the joy I have in Christ here and now. I should look forward to the eternal joy and happiness in Christ that is to come. We will gain everything that’s good and wonderful in the end as believers in Him.
Dressed in Faith
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21
Thank you, Dianna! Very beautifully put. My goal is to not become anxious about world events, but rather to trust God. I am leaning on Isaiah 26:3. Have a joyful day, dear lady. We are in His hands.
Exactly! Wonderful verse. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
It is normal for us to be concerned about what is going on in the world and to be worried about the unknown. For us & for our families. Thank you for God’s words of encouragement.
Oh yes! It certainly is normal to have concerns. I’m just trying not to let them become overwhelming or make me lose sight of my faith.
Dianna thanks for sharing your thoughts on the matter that is happening around us.The verses were great. Have a great evening and take care.
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