I know many young families are struggling to fit all the things in their days right now. So much has been added to their plates like maybe trying to work from home while caring for young kids or home schooling. If you are reading today, know that I very much appreciate your challenges and am praying for you!
On the other hand, many of you reading may, like me, find yourselves in a totally different situation. I am at a very fortunate stage in life during this pandemic where my children are grown and pretty self-sufficient. Yet, living in these unusual circumstances does also present those of us in this stage of life with our own different challenges.
I know I spent the first few weeks of quarantine in a little bit of a state of shock. I felt a little paralyzed not just by fear but by just not knowing what do or how to go about each day. I was kind of in a stand place mode, not just a stay at home mode. I spent a lot of time consumed by the latest news reports unable to concentrate on much else. I still have a few days like that too. Do you?
It is okay to mourn our old way of life, and we should certainly all give ourselves some grace to do just that. Yet, I have been thinking a lot about the brevity of life lately. We all have just one to live here on earth. I know I want to spend this time not just standing in place paralyzed by these events. Even if I am staying home, I want to live fully each day for the Lord and my family however different that may be. Life is too short to waste this time.
I want to work diligently, make happy memories, and serve God the best way I can. Working, playing, and serving Him while staying home can still be just as meaningful as it is outside of home! If anything, I want to use any extra time to dive deep into my relationship with Him.
So today, I want to encourage each of us to keep living each day as fully as possible. None of us know what tomorrow may bring. We don’t know how long this will last, and there is no guarantee of the plans we may make or want to make for the future. In all these things, ask God first for direction. He can show us new things and exciting ways to navigate in this changing world.
Dressed in Faith
Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a thin mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”
James 4:13-15
Great post today thank you
Glad you liked it!
Thank you for expressing so beautifully what I have been feeling too.