We’ve all been in this situation. Someone gets very angry with you and insults you for no understandable reason. Sometimes, it may be the result of an unintentional mistake you made. Other times, you may just be the unlucky person with bad timing. Either way, the insult is completely unjustified.
I know my first instinct is to say something insulting back, but it has to be just right. It has to be a perfect zinger that expresses exactly what I’m feeling and hurt the other person as deeply as they hurt me. You know, it has to be the perfect comeback line.
Fortunately for me, I am not one of those people who is quick on her feet when trying to immediately get back at someone. Yet, that doesn’t mean I haven’t come up with something before to hurl at the other person. How do I usually feel after I do this? I don’t feel so great about it!
As Christians, we are taught not to pay back insult with insult. Instead, we are taught to pray for them and ask God to bless them. It is not easy at times as emotions can certainly get the better of us. Yet, I know my response not only plays a role in how the other person will feel but also how I will feel.
Many times, someone’s behavior towards us may have nothing to do with us personally, especially when from a stranger. Stopping to pray for them gives me perspective. They may be having the worst day of their life and need prayer. I don’t need to add to their heartache even if I’m feeling offended.
The same can be said if I know the person well. An angry response certainly doesn’t solve anything or make the situation better. In fact, it just stirs up more anger for both parties. While a kind response may not immediately resolve the situation, prayer for the person who offended me also calms my spirit. I can place my stress and anxiety about the situation in God’s hands. I know He will work in both our lives to meet both our needs.
We inherit a blessing when we treat others with respect and when we shine as an example of a life changed by Christ.
Dressed in Faith
Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.
1 Peter 3:9
This was perfect for today. Thanks so much for allowing the Lord to lead.
Thank you!
Thank you Dianna. This really helped me understand how to respond to insults .