While shopping on Black Friday, I found this cozy blush hooded cardigan and Articles of Society jeans. We went to Tennessee for Thanksgiving, and my mother-in-law took me to this wonderful boutique close to where she lives.

If you live in the Livingston, Tennessee area, I highly recommend a visit to Sassafras On The Square. It is a fabulous boutique offering clothing, jewelry, and décor items. The owner Penny and her daughter Jessica are so helpful and welcoming!

Cardigan (Similar)/Top (Similar)/Jeans/Boots (Similar)
I bought this cozy blush hooded cardigan. This hooded cardigan is exactly what I wanted! You all know how much I love wearing cardigans. This one is so soft and warm! I will wear it all winter. I also found a new brand of jeans I really like. These Articles of Society jeans are soft and comfortable! They are also reasonably priced!
Sassafras On The Square is not online but they do offer shipping. You can find them on Instagram and Facebook.
I will have to make an extra trip to Tennessee again soon, so I can visit this store. I had such a great and unexpected experience when visiting Sassafras which is the topic of my devotional today. Penny is such a sweet lady and prayed over me before we left. Keep reading to see what happened while we shopped! Know that God works everywhere whether you are on a mission trip to another country or out shopping on Black Friday!
Keep Going
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 15: 5-6
While shopping at Sassafras, I was approached by a family member of Penny’s who had a dear friend that is starting a blog to encourage young women. In fact, I got to speak with this lady starting a new blog on the phone that day. She told me she was getting discouraged and wondering if this is what God wanted her to do. The timing of our conversation couldn’t have been more perfect! I encouraged her to keep going and she unknowingly encouraged me.
There are some days when I wonder if this blog is what I should be doing. I get discouraged that there are not many views of my website or that there is no growth. My site is not very well-known, and I wonder if all the work I put into it is worth the effort. Yet, I was reminded that day of something I said when I started this blog. If this is what God wants me to do and it just helps one other person in the process, it will have been worth it.
I was able to encourage one other person that day, because I started this website. In fact, God has used me to speak to more than one person on this blog. While I may never speak to the masses, it doesn’t matter. God has put me where He wants me. He uses me to reach who He wants to reach. What I’m doing may seem small to the world, but it is big to Him!
After we left the store, I learned from my mother-in-law that Penny prays that God will do wonderful and miraculous things within the walls of her boutique! He did do a wonderful thing in the store that day. He encouraged and motivated two ladies to keep going in their work for Him.
I want to encourage each of you stepping out in faith to do God’s will today. Don’t get discouraged if you feel no one is noticing! God sees each step in obedience to Him. He will use you in ways you may not even know. It is important to Him and that one person He wants to hear His message!
Hi, Dianna! Really cute cardigan! Looks warm. Your post spoke to me today because I have considered starting a blog myself. I was gung-ho in July and purchased a domain but cooled off and have not done anything further. I’m retired so I have the time. What is stopping me? Feeling that I don’t know everything. Maybe I’ll proceed, maybe not. Don’t get discouraged. Thanks, again. You are appreciated. Just thought of this….do you post on Jo-Lynne Shane’s Friday Fashion day? That would provide more visibility for you. Have a blessed day, Dianna.
Thanks Terry for the encouragement! Yes, I have posted on Jo-Lynne’s Fashion Friday. I have not done it a lot lately though and should start again. She has also been a great help to me! Don’t let not knowing anything stop you from blogging! I certainly didn’t know a thing about it -it has been quite a learning curve. I’m so glad I took the leap. If you have any questions about it or want to start, message me. While I don’t know everything, maybe I can help answer some basic questions.
Wonderful message! God Bless You.
Thank you!
Hello, we have similiar styles so I enjoy visiting your blog. I usually access it from Cyndi or JoLynne’s blogs.
Thanks! I glad you like it! Cyndi and Jo-Lynne are two of my favorite bloggers.
Your blog is a blessing in case you ever wonder. I probably found you through Jo-Lynne. I’m a pastor’s wife who seeks God’s message to me in any area like this that He directs. I’m pretty new at your blog but enjoy your devotions as much as your fashion. It was fashion that drew me in.
Thank you Debbie! This is just what I needed to hear this morning!