A couple of weeks ago, I wrote my devotional post on God caring about the details of our lives. I also referenced some interesting details/facts I’ve learned reading through the New Testament with the Bible Recap reading plan. The day after I published my post on details, the Bible Recap’s Podcast message for that day was on guess what? The exact same topic of how God cares about our details.
My first thought was I hope no one who’s familiar with the Bible Recap thinks I copied that idea! It’s a topic I’ve been thinking about long before that podcast.
While I sometimes worry about hitting the publish button on my posts when these coincidences happen, it’s really very common for devotional authors, Christian speakers, and pastors to address similar topics. Think about how many devotionals you might find on fear or worry. Think about how many sermons your pastor has preached on sin, grace, and forgiveness.
I have some theories and thoughts on how and why God may possibly be working through various people – encouraging them to talk or write about similar things. And while I certainly could never, ever speak for how God may be working behind the scenes, these ideas do give me peace when pushing that publish button.
Maybe, when we hear multiple messages on the same topic, He is trying to loudly tell us something He wants us to hear, understand, and know. Maybe we should pay attention when we keep getting the same message repeatedly. He cares enough to tell us over and over until we get it.
God’s character never changes. His truth in the Scriptures never changes. While we all have our own unique stories and experiences to share, His goodness, character, and truth in each of our lives remains the same. Since He is never changing, it makes sense that we all are sharing about those same characteristics and truths at different times and places.
God wants The Good News about His Son to be shared with everyone across this world. And He uses all of us to reach the masses! He works through all His adopted sons and daughters wherever we may live and work to reach other people. He sends some to various locations across the globe to reach other people. We all have a testimony to share and can minister to other people with the gifts He gives us.
Being a Christian writer is very humbling, sometimes very difficult, and a responsibility I don’t take lightly! And yeah, I’m sure I have and will write on topics that have been written or preached about a thousand times before. However, it’s most important that each one of us opens our Bibles and reads directly from them to hear the Word of God before we listen to another human.
The focus certainly shouldn’t be about us. The focus should always be on glorifying the Lord, His character, and what He has done for us. And He uses all of us to shout out His unchanging messages of truth to the world.
Dressed in Faith
Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction.
2 Timothy 4:2