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  1. Dianna, love your devotional for today. Very good remainders for this time we are living in.
    Have a fun& relaxed week-end with your family.

  2. Love this! Like you I struggle with changes, even good ones. What great comfort that God never changes- thanks so much for the reminder!

  3. I relate to you on the “new normal” and all this change. I too, find that I have to focus on God and get my priorities straight. May God have mercy on us!

  4. Thanks for this post. I am not crazy about all aspects of this ‘new normal’. Some parts I do like, such as forcing us to slow down and not be so busy. But,I don’t like shopping on line all the time and wearing a mask is very uncomfortable for me. However, I am adjusting and trying to make the best of it. I am thankful that we can still go outside and enjoy nature and I’m able to stay in touch with my family and friends even though many of our events have been canceled. I’m hoping and praying things will improve and this virus will be stopped.