I’m a detail-oriented person in most everything I do. Something I’m really realizing lately is that God is very detail-oriented too! God cares about the details. So, of course, I really love discovering this characteristic of His!
At the beginning of October, I started reading through the New Testament with the Bible Recap (if you are looking for a new Bible reading plan, I highly recommend it!). When I decided to start this reading plan, I wanted a fresh perspective. For so long, I had been doing more in depth research into Scripture and a lot of in depth introspective. It started to feel like I was missing something greater with my narrow focus.
I wanted just more of an big picture view of the Bible as a whole as well as focusing on learning more about God’s character. Ironically, I’m seeing so much of God and His character down to the finest details. Here are a few interesting details I’ve learned so far from the Bible Recap study.
Did you know the significance of Christ being wrapped in swaddling cloth in the manger? Apparently, perfect lambs used for sacrifice to God were wrapped in swaddling cloth to protect them from any blemishes. So, when the Shepherds arrived to see Jesus, the perfect Lamb of God, the sign of Him being wrapped in swaddling cloth was a significant one. Maybe, you knew that already, but it was new information to me.
Also, did you know it’s believed that while Jesus was a carpenter/builder, He actually worked much more with stone than wood. And the study pointed out how He uses many analogies with stone to describe Himself and give spiritual knowledge to us. I immediately thought of Peter the rock on which the church is built (Matthew 16:18), and the parable of the man who builds his house on a foundation of rock (Luke 6:48).
Plus, I thought about how God is described as our Rock in many Scriptures such as Psalms 18, Psalms 62:2, and 1 Samuel 2:2 to name a few.
I’m just loving learning these details and connections in Scripture. It makes me think about how much God cares about the details of our lives too! If we are living to please and serve Him, you can be sure He is there taking care of every single detail. No stone is left unturned by our Rock literally and figuratively.
God is certainly all about the details on challenging days as well as good days. While I may not feel it or see it at the time. It’s amazing when I look back, especially over the hard times, and see Him clearly in every detail!
He’s there in the everyday mundane decisions or even the most boring to do lists. And it’s all because He cares about you and me. He has so many great things for us and wants us to grow in our faith.
So, I pray today and always to let God be in charge of every detail of my life, even the ones I think must not really matter to Him. They actually do, and He is weaving them together in each of our lives for His glory!
Dressed in Faith
The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his right hand.
Psalms 37:23-24