I thought I would do a little something different today – a get to know me post. Whether you are a regular reader of my blog or just stopping by for the first time, I thought this would be a great way for us to get better acquainted. I also wanted to not let October get away without talking a little bit about breast cancer awareness.

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Here are some facts about me you may not know.
I am not a morning person! In fact, I am a night owl. I really wish I were the opposite, because it seems like it would be so much easier to be a morning person – able to get up and check off much of their to do list before noon! Plus, I don’t sleep well due to awful night sweats.
I love ice cream! Okay, who doesn’t love ice cream?! I really love it so much that I could eat a big bowl every. single. night. This leads to the next thing I’m dealing with right now.
I am struggling to lose weight lately. I have gained a lot of weight lately and am really trying to step up my exercise to get rid of it. I’m sure the stress of having lost my mom recently hasn’t helped. I wanted to share this because we all struggle with something or go through difficult seasons. We women, especially, put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be perfect in every way, and that is just impossible to do. I know I need to give myself more grace.
I am not a coffee drinker. It seems like everyone drinks coffee but me and my husband. He hates coffee. I could have gone either way as a young adult but never bothered to make it just for myself. Now, I don’t think I can drink it at all (though it would sure help out this night owl in the mornings!). A few years ago, I told my son I would take him to Star Bucks if he would go with me on an early morning trip. I ordered a coffee for the first time in many years – big mistake! I hardly get headaches and had the worst one after that than I’ve had in years.
I am a preacher’s daughter. My dad is a retired Methodist preacher.
Dianna is not my first name. I was named after my mom and Dianna is actually my middle name.
I like Jane Austen. Some of my favorite books were written by Jane Austen. I love her books Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion. I starting reading her books when I was very young, because I wanted to be a writer. I remember thinking after I read Persuasion that it was the most romantic story I had ever heard. LOL
I majored in business in college. At that point, I gave up the idea of writing and thought I wanted to do something else.
My favorite vacation spot is Charleston, South Carolina. I love visiting this city. There is so much to see and do. We have been there 3 different times, and if you said I had to go back tomorrow, I would be so excited.
I am a breast cancer survivor. Many of you who read my blog probably already know that. This month 4 years ago, I found out I had breast cancer. My tumor was caught very early and was not very aggressive. I am very thankful! It was only on one side, and I do not carry the breast cancer gene. So, I had a mastectomy only on the side I had the cancer.
The other day, I saw one of my doctors on a local news station discussing breast cancer. I already knew much of his advice when it comes to taking care of ourselves and thought I would share some of it here with you all today.
Of course, get a yearly mammogram. This is still the best screening for detecting breast cancer. There is so much more they can do now to treat breast cancer, but the earlier you catch it the better!
Check yourselves monthly for any changes. Feel for lumps, and look for any changes. This is so important. I did not discover mine by finding a lump. I saw a dimpling in my breast that wasn’t there before. It wasn’t always noticeable – it would come and go. I think it did this because it was so small and not aggressive. Nonetheless, it was a change, and it turned out to be cancer. Always bring up any changes you see to your doctor. My doctor advises doing a self exam every month on the date of your birthday so that you remember and make it a habit.
I think it is a good idea to just take a day every month to stop and do a self-evaluation in general. Are we noticing anything different about our health that we’ve just pushed aside? Do we need to schedule any exams? We often get so busy that we neglect to take care of ourselves or notice any changes. So, I want to encourage you today to take time out to take care of you!
Well, that wraps up my post for today. I hope you don’t mind that I took some time to discuss taking care of ourselves and about breast cancer awareness. Believe me when I say that I don’t like to think about it or have a month dedicated to bringing attention to it every year. Maybe, one day we won’t, because there is a complete cure or prevention!
I also wasn’t sure I would ever come up with 10 facts about me! Ha! It was harder than I thought! Let me know something about you – leave a comment below or send me an email. I love getting to know my readers!
Thankyou for the 10. I had to laugh because I noticed s change on one side almost a dipping. To the Dr I go. He called it “flattening “. One of the saddest experiences for me was my parents passing. They were high school sweethearts and great parents. And last my son and daughter in law lived in Charlston SC for 6 years so we flew back every year. The last time was for our son to defend his PhD thesis. Which was succesful,Medical University of South Carolina. I love that city as well but prepare to sweat!!!!
Yes, losing a parent is very difficult! Thanks for sharing Kathryn. Indeed, Charleston is hot! I’ve been in July and absolutely melted from the heat. Yet, we had a great time – it was worth it!!