We all often see the the references to how many times in the Bible it says to fear not. Plus as things seem to be escalating right now in our country, I see a lot of social media posts reminding Christians that they should not be afraid. These posts are certainly true and good reminders. Yet if I said I haven’t felt some real fear, anxiety, or even some panic over the last few days, I would most definitely be lying.
As I see all the posts scrolling by on how to fear not, I have felt some guilt too over letting my fears about what is happening in our country get the best of me. Here I am a writer of Christian devotions about my faith in God and someone who places my life in the hands of Jesus Christ who is feeling sometimes, well, afraid. As I thought about this, I felt surely, I can’t be the only one?
The answer is I am not alone in this feeling, and if you can relate, you are not too! You see our Bible is full of people who were facing fears and, dare I say, feeling afraid. David ran for his life from Saul even though he had been anointed king and had slain a giant. The prophet Elijah was afraid for his life and fled (1 Kings 19). Simeon Peter was afraid and denied Christ three times. There are certainly more that I won’t list in this short space, but we are not unique when it comes to being fearful at times.
The thing about fear that sets us apart is how we choose to handle it.
First and foremost, are we trusting God with every fear we have? Whenever I feel fear, I try to send up a prayer or read His Word. I search for peace and comfort in my relationship with Christ.
Are we trying to go forward with our lives or letting the fear paralyze us in place? Are we letting God work through our fears for His glory and are we still serving Him?
Despite fears, David wrote powerful Psalms praising the Lord. He became king and head of the ancestral line that would lead to the One true King Who is Jesus Christ. Elijah was comforted by God’s presence and continued to prophesize. Peter was restored and built Christ’s church.
I think some fear is actually a good thing in that spurs us into action. It gives us an opportunity to help others, it keeps us safe, and it helps us protect the ones we love. We are seeing this now as we try to work together to protect each other. Fear is not good when it paralyzes us and causes us to stop doing what is good or right.
Of course, I want to encourage each of us not to fear. Yet if I do, I going to try not to let it stop me from living or feel guilty about it. Instead, I going to ask God to help me channel it, use it for good, and feel the peace He gives me.
Dressed in Faith
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7
Well said! Praying you, all your readers and the entire US remain safe and well. ❤️🙏🏻
Thank you so much Gina!
Thank you, Dianna! Your posts are such a blessing. I loved your reminder of biblical greats who were afraid at times too, and what God went on to do with their lives. I think the blogging community is very important right now because you, Cyndi, Pamela, Kay, and others really have a ministry that encourages women and brings a bright spot to a day that might be feeling overwhelming and stressful at this point in time. Keep up the great work. You are appreciated.
Thank you so much Debbie! I will keep working at it and certainly try to be a bright spot here for everyone who visits. Also, thanks so much for the compliment of including me with some really wonderful, sweet ladies!!
Thanks great post ! Peace
Thanks great post ! Hope you and your family stay well
Hope you and your family stay well and as always great post
Thank you!!