Hi everyone! It is so hard to believe it is November. I’ve been working so hard on this blog for several months now. I am so technologically challenged! There is so much work that goes into designing a website. I had no idea what I was doing and writing computer code is over my head! I am also not skilled at photography or editing. My husband takes most of my pictures and does a much better job than I would, but we have a lot to learn!
Today, I am wearing this cute little jacket that I got with a coupon at a local department store.

This jacket is made by Ruff Hewn. That brand is marketed to a younger crowd, but I’ve had good luck finding casual shirts made by them that fit me well. Now, I’ve found a cute jacket!

I found this green top at the same time I found the jacket. I love the cut out detail on the sleeves. It is the cold shoulder look that is popular this season. I get hot easily these days so this shirt gives me long sleeves with vents for when I have a hot flash!
Depending On Him
The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time.
Psalm 145:14-15
About eleven years ago, the plant where my husband worked announced it was closing. We had no idea what the future held. I was a stay at home mom with very young children, so my husband’s job was our only source of income. I remember continually praying to God like I had never done before for my family’s basic needs. As difficult as that time was, God taught me some very important lessons.
First, He taught me to surrender totally to Him in a way I had never done before. I remember thinking just how much I depend on other things before I depend on God. I depended too much on myself, my husband, and my husband’s job to supply our every day needs of food, clothing, and shelter. I gave God too little credit for His provisions in my life.
Second, I learned not to take so many things for granted and to be truly thankful. There are so many times I pray whether before meals or at other times thanking Him for my basic needs out of habit or ritual, not because I am truly grateful.
I want to always remember Who I truly depend on, not only this month of Thanksgiving, but each and every day. I want to pray earnestly with a thankful heart to God Who provides for all my needs.