We all get excited about something in life! It may be a wanted possession, an upcoming event, or meeting a favorite celebrity. And our excitement can be crazy or just over the top for these things. Yet, how often do we truly get excited and crazy about our joy and relationship with Christ? Is our level of enthusiasm for Him higher than for the other things we go crazy over? I had to stop and ask myself some tough questions concerning this very topic.
More often than I care to share, I find myself focusing too much on something materialistic, a life experience, or someone I admire. I look forward with excitement to time spent on earthly things. Meanwhile, my focus and enthusiasm for the One Who gives me life and everlasting joy will take a backseat.
Am I as excited each day to meet Christ in prayer and Bible study as I am to follow my favorite social media account or spend time with someone else I’m crazy about? Do I look forward to attending church to praise Him just as much I look forward to other special events? How enthusiastic am I to share my faith or serve the Lord when the opportunity arises? Or are these things starting to feel more like an obligation rather than something I’m excited to do?
All I know is sometimes I have to step back, straighten out my priorities, and curb my enthusiasm for earthly things while remembering and celebrating my enthusiasm for Christ.
I remember He is the One Who places people I love in my life.
I remember He provides the things I want and need.
I celebrate Christ Whose mercies are new to me every morning.
I remember His protection over my life.
I’m thankful that Christ loves me like no other with a perfect love that never fails. And I want to love Him first too.
Relationships aren’t a one way street, and our relationship with Christ is the most important one we have! Let’s be crazy excited about Who Christ is to us! Only He will take us on an eternal adventure to a heavenly realm that’s greater than what we can imagine or experience on earth.
Dressed in Faith
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
Colossians 3:2-3
A beautiful reminder to always be grateful and happy that Jesus loves us and satisfies our every desire. 🥰
Thank you Joyce. He certainly does!