Hello everyone! Welcome to another edition of Dressing In Faith! If you read my devotional from last week, you know I’ve been thinking about words or phrases to define the new year. I’ve seen many people say they want to “simplify their life” this year. Many are spending the beginning of the year cleaning out their spaces – clearing out all the unnecessary clutter.
I need to do some of that around my home. In fact, I really love a clean and well organized home. I have a hard time functioning in a chaotic space. As I thought about how cleaning up the clutter in my environment makes me feel so much better, I turned to thinking about all the clutter that sometimes fills my mind.
What if I spent some time this year clearing out that clutter that’s in my heart and head – thoughts that just don’t belong there?! How much better would I feel! While this clutter may look different for each person, here are some ideas of thoughts that just need to go.
I’m not good enough.
I’m not pretty, or I don’t like “_________” about myself.
I’m not loved.
I don’t belong.
God can’t really use someone like me.
How could Christ ever forgive me for “_________?”
While it’s important to be humble and not too proud or arrogant, we shouldn’t go to the opposite extreme either. As God’s creation, you and I are not insignificant or invaluable. So, let’s clear out the clutter of self doubt this year and be confident children of God.
Dressed in Faith
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14
Such a good reminder! My husband and I have made a commitment to clearing out the clutter in our home this year. We have already made some progress. The clutter in my mind is not as easily removed, but with prayer it can be accomplished.