Do you have situation where it’s hard to believe in yourself? It’s hard to believe you’ll find a solution to a problem, accomplish a goal, or complete a task. Maybe your efforts don’t seem to be paying off or you doubt your qualifications or ability in the first place.
Perhaps, you are where you think you should be or feel God has placed you there. However, fear and doubts take over in your head. Other people’ opinions of you or your abilities aren’t very favorable.
Unbelief was also a problem for Moses when God called him to lead His people. And the Israelites did not believe they could conquer the land God promised them the first time they were led there. Jeremiah had doubts on his ability to speak, and he certainly faced great obstacles speaking for the Lord at a very grim time. It would have been easy to just give up.
Sadly, many of us don’t really believe in ourselves or the abilities that God instilled in each of us.
I know at times unbelief in myself becomes bigger than my trust in God’s timing or positioning. It could be that unbelief in myself is a reflection of unbelief in Him and His support of me doing the tasks He gives me. Yet, if I truly believe in God, I need to truly believe He will be with me and help me accomplish all that He created me to do.
So today, I want to encourage you to truly believe in yourself if you are having doubts. Believing in yourself doesn’t have to be conceited or prideful. It doesn’t mean you only depend on yourself. It’s about depending on Christ and your relationship with Him. Know that He believes in you and is with you in whatever challenges you may face.
Dressed in Faith
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11