While I love jewelry, I don’t wear a lot of it on a daily basis. Yet if I’m going out, the one piece of jewelry I always wear (besides my wedding ring) is earrings. They are my go to accessory whether I’m going out on the town or running a simple errand. One of this spring’s hottest trends is statement earrings.

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I’ve always loved earrings of all sizes. Since I’m not very tall, I’ve always thought I could pull off wearing a bigger pair of Earrings over a really big necklace. So, I am glad to see this accessory trend.
Tassel Statement Earrings are very popular and so cute! There are also many styles in this year’s big color lilac. There were too many good choices to list for this post – so be sure to check for more styles in the widget above.
As I said in my last post, I am trying to find a way to separate out my devotionals to put in a Faith category. The method I tried yesterday did not work which is the reason you received two devotionals in your email. They were not supposed to go out. I’m so sorry to flood your inbox!
I’ve found another way that may work (without sending you anymore emails of the same thing). If not, I will just have to put that idea aside for now. Thanks so much for your patience! I’m not very good with technology!
In the meantime, we are having some crazy spring weather. Yesterday, it was warmer but stormy. Today, it feels like winter again. How is the weather where you live? If it is warm, I want to come visit!
Enjoy your day!