Today, I am doing something a little different for me. I have a nude makeup look to show you. I usually don’t apply my makeup too heavily, and a sunny day makes it look like even less. I usually wear brighter pink lipsticks and blushes though. They just look better on my fair skin, but I thought I would try a nude pink lipstick and lighter blush to see if I could pull off a nude makeup look.

Pink Lift Blush | Rose Gold Lift Blush | Contour Makeup Brush |Pink Nude Lip Color
I don’t know if they still are, but nude lipsticks were recently all the rage whether you did a full nude makeup look or not. I have never found one I like on me. They were all a little too brown and not flattering on my face. When I saw this Pink Nude Color in the Brand of lipstick I’m wearing right now, I thought I would give it another try.
It’s not a bad color – maybe a step in the right direction for me, but it looks more like a coral/peach color. Coral or peach is supposedly flattering to all skin tones, but I’m not a fan of it with my auburn hair. Otherwise, I love these Neutrogena Color Sticks, and this color may look gorgeous on those with blonde hair/fair skin or darker hair/darker skin.
On the other hand, I love this Rose Color Lift Blush. I normally wear the Pink Lift Color which is a very bright pink, but it looks so pretty on fair skin. The rose color is much softer and looks great on fair skin too. It’s wonderful for an everyday natural look or to wear to the office if you want a subtle look for work.
I also think the L’OREAL Visible Lift Blushes are some of the best drugstore blushes. I really love them over any powder blush I’ve tried too. I have been using this blush for many, many months now. It really does feel like they lift your face by giving you a pretty natural glow.
So, do you like a nude makeup look or prefer something more?