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  1. Yay! What a blessing to be featured on your blog, Dianna. Thank you for introducing me to your readers. I just love collaborating with you as we try to reach more women with the messages of confidence and Christ-confidence. Because that’s really where we have to put our confidence isn’t it? In Christ alone!

    I hope you have a blessed and beautiful time with your family this weekend. Again, thank you for the kind words and your generosity!
    XXOX Kay

  2. Kay, I just found your YouTube videos the other day. While I haven’t been able to watch even one all the way through (I keep getting interrupted), the minute I saw you I thought “this lady is certainly a Christian”, due to your very kind and gentle demeanor. And then I find out that you are!

    As beautiful as your outfits are and as helpful as your advice is, it is your Godly demeanor that stands out. I’m sure you have won many people to the Lord.

    May God continue to bless you and your work.