This Life Lately post has been a long time in the making! I was ready to write about what’s been going on lately behind the blog at the end of February. However, life got really busy and complicated. Then, I thought about writing this post a couple of weeks ago. However, the terrible school shooting happened in my home state of Tennessee, and I just didn’t feel best about posting it then either. Plus, I was a little tired and weary anyway from being out of town which I’ll explain later.
Last week, when I was ready to work on this post again, this happened where I live here in Indiana….

That’s one of the views from my house of the massive fire that broke out at a dilapidated plastic recycling facility last Tuesday. It was pretty scary looking. You may have seen it in the national news. They had to evacuate a lot people from their homes half a mile around the fire. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured or killed. Residents who were evacuated were finally able to return home Sunday evening.
February was pretty uneventful compared to recent weeks. My husband and I went to a Christian concert featuring Jeremy Camp and We the Kingdom along with some other artists. That was fun! We don’t go to concerts often, but both love all kinds of music.
I have to admit as I’ve gotten older I’m just as happy staying home and watching a good TV show or movie. We started watching and finished The Chosen. It’s a show from the perspective of Jesus’ disciples, and I highly recommend it! At first, I wasn’t sure I was going to like it. It does take some creative license but in a good way.
The show takes what little we know about the disciples in the Bible and shows what life may have been like for them when they met and followed Jesus. It does depict Biblical events accurately, but speculates as to what conversations may have taken place day end and day out between the disciples themselves and Jesus.
Even though the show mainly focuses on the disciples, one thing that just really stands out to me is the depiction of Jesus’ humanity. For me, it just really made me think about how He lived a perfect life, yet how He was confined to a human body with all its human needs.
Anyway, as you can probably tell, we really like this show and can’t wait for more seasons. In the meantime, do you have any good show recommendations? They don’t necessarily have to be Christian based, just anything you’ve enjoyed.
Then, last month, I went out of town to take care of my oldest son. He had to have an outpatient surgery. Thankfully, it was nothing too serious. He’s made pretty much a full recovery. However, I ended up staying with him longer than he or I expected. He initially needed a little more help than we thought. And I didn’t take my computer with me so I could work on the blog from his place. However, I’m not sure I would have had a lot of extra time for it. I did stay pretty busy helping him and preparing ahead for him to be on his own once I left.
Once I was ready to come back home, my husband called and said he was getting sick. He basically had pink eye, and we have no idea where he got it. It may have been more of an infection, but he missed a week of work. At that point, I was mentally and physically exhausted. I didn’t sleep very well on my son’s twin bed in his guest bedroom. Then, I stayed in our guest bedroom until my husband felt better. I was so ready to sleep in my own bed at the end of it all!
Well, I think that’s about all I can think of for now. It is starting to warm up, and we are having some really beautiful days lately. I love this time of year, and warmer, prettier days always lift my mood. I hope you are enjoying some pretty spring days where you live too!
Life sure has it’s ups and downs. So thankful that we have our Lord to rely on in troubled times and that He provides for us the joyful times as well. Glad to hear your family is doing better!
Thank you. And that’s so true! Life’s never dull. What’s funny is I didn’t think I would really have a whole lot to share in these behind the scenes posts. It’s been an unusual few months around here.
Thank you for sharing. I always enjoy seeing what you choose to model. Every time the outfits look so great on you.
Dianna you have such a sweet spirit about yourself.
Enjoy talking to you at church.
Thank you again for sharing.
God Bless
Thank you Joy! I appreciate you reading and your sweet comments. Hope you are doing well. It’s always so good to see you!