Sometimes, it’s easy to get discouraged when using our spiritual gifts. I understand this so well as a devotional writer! It seems there are many Christian authors out there who are so much more successful than I am. More importantly, they are reaching so many more people and having such a profound impact on others for Christ.
Maybe, you feel this way too about your calling. God has placed big dreams in your heart of how He wants you to use your spiritual gifts. Yet, things don’t seem to be working out quite like you expected.
Perhaps, you are working hard within your local community and church doing a job God has called you to do. Yet, you see others who look more successful within their roles, their gifting, and with the people they reach. All the while, you feel your own efforts seem to hardly get noticed or make any impact.
I want to encourage each of you who may feel this way to never give up using the gifts God gave you! Here are some things we need to remember when it comes to spiritual gifts.
Each one of us with the gifts we’ve been given is valuable to the kingdom of God!
No gift should be hidden. God will use them when we use them. Many times, we may not truly see the impact they are having in this world, but that does not mean they aren’t truly having an impact!
We can’t compare our gifts to someone else’s gifts even if our spiritual gifts are similar or are for a common purpose. Each gift is unique to who we are, how God made us, and how God wants to use us.
While the world measures success by numbers, God is concerned about our hearts, obedience to Him, and each individual.
Even when you feel like your efforts aren’t noticed or helping, never give up using your gifts for Christ. You never know when the timing may be right, and they reach the person Christ wants to encounter. In that moment, He is using you for an important purpose. And you are glorifying Him.
Dressed in Faith
There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.
1 Corinthians 12:5-6