There is no mistaking that I am a total germaphobe. I mean I hate getting sick, but who doesn’t? In order to help avoid illness, I have a simple routine every time I come home from being out anywhere. The first thing I do is wash my hands – not that that’s a bad habit. However, I’m sure my family thinks I’m a little extreme about it!
On top of that, I’m also an overthinker, and as I’ve said before, I am a worrier too. So while I was recovering recently from a stomach virus (yep, my excessive hand washing didn’t seem to help with that one too much), I felt like doing nothing but sitting and staring at the television for a few days. Of course, one of the hot topics on the news are the reports on the coronavirus. The more I watched the more I felt myself getting a little nervous and anxious over the whole situation. In fact, I started letting my fears get the best of me.
Please don’t get me wrong, I certainly don’t want to downplay how devastating this virus, the flu, or any other disease that causes the death of a loved one can be. I have lost love ones to illness, heart disease, and cancer. I am a breast cancer survivor myself and certainly understand this pain.
Yet in my increased state of anxiety, God reminded me of this. Breast cancer didn’t decide my future. I have had the flu – that did not determine my future. I was extremely sick as a young child with pneumonia, but that did not end my days here on earth. God is the One Who determines my future. He holds each of my days.
Ultimately, He holds the day any of us will die and by what means too.
So in the meantime, I want fill my heart and head with the hope He gives us instead of fear of future threats. I want to spend my time pursuing the dreams He fills my heart with instead of worrying about tomorrow. I want to awake each day with sense of gratitude for the time He does gives me to spend with my loved ones.
I encourage you dear friends to do the same. The world will always be full of threats to our existence. God is in control of it all though, and He determines our destinies.
Dressed in Faith
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:16
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 14:7
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Thank you for this great reminder that God has the master plan for our lives. I too am like you in that I can get caught up in my over-thinking and my worries so I appreciate that I’m not alone and also I am cared for by God. I love reading your blog! Keep up the great work!
Thank you! Yes, you are definitely not alone feeling that way, but we can conquer this! We know God is holding on to us!!