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Hello friends! Today, I’m updating one of my most popular posts – 5 eye makeup brands for sensitive eyes. As you know, I’ve dealt with ocular rosacea over the last year and a half. I am happy to say I think I finally have it under control, because it’s a beast! I’m very fortunate that mine was probably a minor case, though at times it didn’t feel like it (you can see what I mean by looking it up online if not familiar with it).
Unfortunately, there is really not a lot of good information out there on how to deal with it. More specifically, there’s not a lot of resources on what to use for your eyes as far as eye creams and makeup goes if you’re a woman with this condition.
As far as eye makeup is concerned, everything I read says don’t wear it if you’re having a flare up. However, I had this for such a long time! So, for me personally, going every single day without any eye makeup was just not an option. And I really do go without makeup a lot of the time. Yet, I could not tell that going makeup free for long periods of time was working.
Luckily, I was already wearing a great eye makeup brand for sensitive eyes anyway. And I do think that’s important if you have sensitive eyes with or without rosacea.
Before we look at the following 5 eye makeup brands for sensitive eyes, I want to point out that not all of these products are considered “clean” or made with only natural ingredients. However, they are brands recommended for sensitive eyes or skin.
While I appreciate and understand wanting to use products with only clean ingredients, I actually had an allergic reaction once to a product from a popular all natural makeup brand. So, you can develop an allergy to anything including natural or clean ingredients. Everyone is different as to what works best for them. And hopefully, some of these great eye makeup brands will work for you.
Tarte Cosmetics
First, I’ll start with one of my personal favorites! Tarte eye makeup palettes have really worked great for me. I love their colors, and their products do have more natural ingredients. When I needed to put on a little eye makeup at the height of my eye inflammation, their eye palettes have been a fabulously gentle makeup to use.
I also really like this mascara too! It’s tied with two others I use (I will share below) as one of my favorite mascaras. All the mascaras in this post are great mascaras for long lashes and sensitive eyes.
I’ve also been not just covering up dark circles under my eyes but sometimes redness from inflammation too. The creamy Tarte Shape Tape has done a great job of hiding my condition while being gentle on my skin.
Next, I love Clinique eye makeup for sensitive eyes. This mascara is another favorite. Currently, I wear this Clinique foundation which is great for sensitive skin.
Clinique has skincare products made specifically to meet the needs of ladies dealing with rosacea.
Bare Minerals
Bare Minerals is a great brand to try if you deal with sensitive skin or rosacea. I have not tried their eye products but would really like to some day. These gorgeous eye palettes that come in several color combinations look promising.

I’ve used Almay at various times throughout my life, and I’m currently using it now. At the end of last year, I finally got my ocular rosacea under control with a prescription eye cream. At that time, I also started using this fragrance free eyeshadow palette. It’s a little glittery but very pretty.
Even though I don’t think any product I’ve used has been a contributing factor to my ocular rosacea, I’m personally a little hesitant to switch to another eye shadow while things are currently very good. As I said at the beginning of the post, I’ve dealt with this for a very long time. And these last two months without any eye issues have been great! While probably not needed, I decided to keep strictly to the same routine out of an abundance of caution.
I think I will eventually try this pretty palette and will slowly introduce back into my makeup routine more of my favorites listed here in this post.
The third mascara I love and am currently using is this Almay Thickening mascara. This drugstore find ranks right up there with the Clinique and Tarte mascaras. Plus, it is super gentle on my eyes.
Almay is a great budget-friendly makeup brand if you have sensitive skin.
A reader commented on another post about using this brand’s eye creams for her rosacea, so I immediately looked it up. I discovered that they also have makeup products too! While I have not tried Chantecaille’s makeup, I wanted to add it to this list of options. Doesn’t this eye palette look gorgeous?! This mascara also gets good reviews.
If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out my 5 Best Eye Makeup Tips for Extremely Sensitive Eyes.
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Dressed in Faith
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:31
Thank you so much for your post. I’ve had Ocular rosasia, for 15 years. It isso hard to find eye makeup I can use. I’m going to give Tort a try.